ell it looks like it's time for the flood of new babies again!
Recently we heard that Sarah Poquette, and Nicole Sell were welcoming newborns into their houses. News this week came that Ashley Hansen, daughter of Jean Poquette-Seidl and Steve Hansen is impregnated. This now makes three of Earl and Mary Poquette's grandchildren that are expecting. This will be Hansen's second child after a long dry period of baby production. Her first child, Jordyn now 8 years old will be getting a new baby brother or sister. Little is known at this point about the new bundle on the way whether it's a boy or girl, but Jordyn couldn't be happier about the news.
It is not known whether Hansen 35, planned the pregnancy or it was unexpected. Hansen has been heard to say in the past that she would never be having another child, but sometimes minds can be changed and perhaps Jordyn's father and fiance' to Ashley, Mike Van Den Heuvel had something to do with the process.
Van Den Heuvel 38, is a very productive member of society holding down virtually two full time jobs. His day job has him traveling around the region splicing belts for Dennis Bachall Rubber Company, while his night job requires him to travel as well, it seems like he put's on a lot of miles every week. When he puts away his belt skiving knife he becomes the guitarist for the wildly popular metal band "5 Man". The band as the name imply's has 5 members and travels the area rocking out. Last year the band opening the local areas largest rock show in Oshkosh known as Rock USA.
The new mother Ashley is employed by Dr. Gope Hotchandani, who is known to be the authority in the area on cosmetic surgery, body sculpting, hair removal, and vascular treatments. Hansen has worked for the doctor for several years but has not received any body sculpting or cosmetic surgery from him and her beauty is all natural.
removal as well. Employees at the cosmetic center along with their paychecks receive something called "Dani Points" as well. The points can be saved up then cashed in on what ever service Hotchandani offers in his clinic. Ashley has been saving hers to help her mom defray the huge expenses faced by her mother when she receives the much needed surgery.