ince Peg Vanlanen has had her little scare a week ago the doctors have been frantically looking for a cause of the discomfort the matriarch of the Poquette Family felt.
VanLanen 66, left the hospital a week ago and was declared in good health, however the symptoms she had felt are real and doctors could not give a reasonable answer as to why it happened. Blood pressure medication was thought to be the culprit but new evidence suggests Vanlanen my be suffering from sleep apnea, a condition whereby the sufferer constantly dozes off and forgets to breath during the sleep process. When asked about her sleep patterns she denies that she has had any trouble sleeping and insists her sleep patterns are not the problem.
Vanlanen's daughter Shelly Sobieck who could not be reached for comment while on a get away
weekend, suggested that her mother go through with the sleep study anyway. Sobieck the 45 year old nurse and mother of two said she was worried about her mom and even called her on her last get away week end when in hospital to wish her well and to scold her for not going in sooner.
Vanlanen who is a nurse herself warned everyone that she knows
very well the symptoms of cardiac arrest and did not have to be reminded to seek medical attention. Vanlanen went on to say she would alert the KAMR when the tests were scheduled and detailed results would be provided.
It has been no secret that tension's are high at the Seidl home in Greenleaf since Jean Poquette-Seidl's son Ben Hansen graduated high school. Numerous driving offences, accidents, dubious
Shelly Sobieck
behavior and other scrapes with the law have left the 20 year old with a very thin welcome at his mothers and step dad's home. Since moving back home after crashing and burning while trying to live on his own, Hansen has neglected his room so bad that his mother Jean Poquette-Seidl has ordered
him to move to the squalor of the basement. Condemned there to the lower levels to live like a wild animal without a bed or television, his only source of entertainment a clock radio of which the clock is broken, he carries on.
Recently Poquette-Seidl learned that unwanted children can be left at the door of the local fire department "no questions asked". After learning this fact Poquette Seidl is planning to drop Ben off sometime this week at the front door of the Greenleaf Fire Department.
Which of Mary Poquette's sons is the most handsome? I do have an opinion but will reserve my remarks for later. All of the sisters are beautiful in all the photos I have seen. Anxiously awaiting responses to this query.
A katandmick photo
Peg Vanlanen after taking a digger at her 60th birthday party
Hello everyone, this week we hear from an unknown reader who asks a question that I need help with. All votes are anonymous so don't be afraid to vote the way you feel.
With 9 girls and 7 boys one would think that there would be some ugly ones but I agree that all the girls are beautiful and it appears that all the boys are respectable looking enough as well. The only way to know is to poll everyone to see, so.
"Ben Jammin" Hansen
Lance Pickett attended West De Pere's Prom last night and appears here with his date for a photo before dinner.