tephonia Prevost, once an exemplary icon of physical fitness for the members of "The Fat Club" has fallen victim to their scorn as she was voted out by her fellow fat ladies Saturday.
Prevost who at one time was as popular as the club's host Kat Pickett, and who lead the group in workouts, fell from her highly thought of position in the club when her popularity declined due to
continued absence to the clubs biweekly meetings at the KAMR headquarters. Prevost 40, claims her non attendance is due to her continuing education and her pursuit of a degree. She claims to be attending classes on Saturdays and unable to squeeze in the late morning meeting with aunts and cousins who regularly attend the meeting.
Stephonia leads "Fat Club" members in workouts, some fail to participate
Stephonia Prevost
Discussion erupted during the last meeting with many negative comments directed at Prevost and her attendance record. The most vocal was Eileen "Trixie" Sobieck, a long time supporter and confidant to Prevost but was unable to support her fellow long time FC member after her continued absence. It was in fact Sobieck who made the
motion to eject Prevost from the exclusive club which was followed by little discussion before a voice vote sealed Prevosts fate regarding her official FC membership. Sobieck 41, put off by Prevosts lack of regard for the club even went so far as to suggest that an animal take the place of Prevost at
future FC gatherings, her sister Peg's new puppy "bubba" was held in higher regard than Prevost in Sobieck's eyes.
Prevost who could not be reached for comment made no attempt to contact the close knit group after the expulsion. She will be allowed to attend future meetings, but has forfeited her right to vote or lead the group again in work outs according to Trixie Sobieck the groups rules committee chairman.
A cookout along with free swimming in a hole dug in the Treml's back yard are what's on tap for those making plans to attend the Memorial Day festivities at the Treml's plush west side home on Haven Place in Green Bay. The date set for the
Eileen "Trixie" Sobieck
one time party is May 27 and is to get underway at 1 PM. Cook out type food is to be served at the gathering and some pot luck dishes will be brought by guests. Those wishing to bring a dish should contact Judy.
It is not known the status of the Treml daughters regarding the preparations
leading up to the gathering. A party last year at the Treml's resulted in the Treml's daughters branding their mother, Judy Treml as "The party Nazi" when despite their objections the teens along with preteen Samantha, were forced into domestic servitude in preparations for the arrival of multiple guests.
Judy Treml
Aaron Meeuwsen who for years has suffered from declining health due to diabetes has moved from traveling to have dialysis in Green Bay to conducting his dialysis at the home of his mother and father in the far rural regions of Suamico.
Meeuwsen, who remains gravely ill, and whose body is ravaged from the disease is confined to his home and occasionally ventures out with someone to family gatherings. The at home treatment is seen as a positive aspect to his treatment and is easier to tolerate.
Aaron Meeuwsen
Upon reading the above headline you might think that this is just another story about a baby being bathed by it's parents. Nothing could be further from the truth, in fact there is no bathing of babies anywhere in this story. The "shower" refers to gifts being showered on the parents for their new arrival. Ashley Hansen and Mike Vandenhueval are expecting their second child late this summer.
Ashley is the daughter of Steve Hansen and Jean Poquette-Seidl and Dr. Hotchandani's right hand, while Mike is the lead guitar player of the wildly
popular band known as 5 Man. It is not known why, but the two decided their 10 year old daughter Jordyn needed a sibling and Ashley became impregnated.
Poquette-Seidl will host the party at her plain but functional downtown home on the southern end of Crippen St. in Greenleaf, WI. Food and snacks will be on hand and those wishing to bring a dish should contact Poquette-Seidl. The party is to begin at 1 PM on June 9th. and no end time was discussed or arrived upon at this time.