ean and James Seidl are ready for the annual Halloween pumpkin carving day which will be this coming Saturday.
The Seidl's have always been fond of the pagan holiday known as Halloween. Long before Sarah Poquette declared that she was a Wichen, Jean Poquette-Seidl had been organizing Halloween parties for the black holiday. Even after being declared a witch by some colleagues at her workplace, Poquette-Seidl 54 has never donned the costume of the one in charge of the flying monkeys. It is however unknown what the Greenleaf housewife will display as her costume this year or if she will participate at all after preparing food for all the guest expected to attend the afternoon artful gala in her garage.
Poquette-Seidl and husband James put on costumes for publicity photos every year to pump up the attendance at the annual carving which will occur this Saturday beginning at 12:30 PM at the Seidl's simple but functional Greenleaf home. This years creation (seen at right) is designed to show off Poquette-Seidl's remarkable weight reduction and body transformation. Seen here joking at lopping off her pumpkin breasts, nothing could be farther from the truth as she holds her hooters in high regard and proudly keeps them tucked away behind the pumpkin rinds. While James appears to be annoyed by the costume he actually has a good time every year dressing up and can't stop talking about it before, during, and after the event. Seen here as Pumpkin Man, Seidl only paused for the photo a few seconds before rambling on again about the costume's details.
Poquette-Seidl encourages everyone attending to check in with her as to what to bring regarding food, all alcohol contributions will be appreciated.
If the Sobieck's hot tub was actually time machine as in the movie they probably would have had some type of swimming attire on, but as luck would have it they had nothing when their son Logan walked in on them. Eileen "Trixie" Sobieck unashamed taunted the boy and jeered at him while he stood staring as his words failed him. Soon the boy who left Wyoming because the state is overrun by bullies, turned and left the two to soak in peace in
While it is still quite early to start preparing for the Fat Club Christmas Party, those in charge want to set the date so that the day is saved in advance. Saturday December 14 at 6 PM will be the day set aside for the celebration at the Sobieck's modest Hobart home. Since the tradition was started last year everyone will be expected to have a mustache.
That's all the news that is news, see ya.