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September 8, 2013
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The winning team from pose for a publicity photo
                    ith temperatures in the 80's golfers from the annual Poquette Family Golf Outing were able to stave off the heat by running the golf carts at high speed on the trails of the back 9 at Mid Valee Golf Course.

Golfers numbered in the high teens as yet another golf outing was launched at the Mid Valee Golf Course at highway 41 and County Trunk U in Brown County. With the course already packed the Poquette Family their way to the tee on the back nine holes at 1:30 PM. Most of the participants arrived early and were ready to roll by the prescribed time of 1:30 except for one half of a team that arrived just in the nick of time. James and Jean
Seidl arrived minutes before 2:00 PM and as James paid for the games and cart the course manager warned him of the possible consequences of his tardiness. Seidl listened carefully as he was told that he had arrived at the last possible minute before his time ran out to join the group in the outing. Had he arrived just a minute later the couple
James Seidl
would have been turned away and not been allowed to participate. Seidl beside himself over nearly missing out on the golf outing was quick to point the finger at his bride of nearly two years Jean Poquette-Seidl. Seidl: "I told her to be ready to go an hour before the check in time, but she left and didn't come home until twenty after one." Seidl then rambled on with a many more comments, most of them irrelevant to the incident.

James Seidl intent on winning the Poquette Golf Outing imaginary cup did not blame the incident for his off game but seemed disheartened when he was told that his team(The FORE skins) came in second to Even though Seidl had a good game their team was still no match for the fine skill of whose star player Jenny Skytta claimed most of the best shots in the best ball series. Skytta a league player out shot
other team members most times with her partner Mike filling in the gaps where she held back. Joanne Poquette and this writer had a few best balls as well.

All and all the teams did pretty well with coming in with a 32, L & E Machine 37, The FORE skins 37, and the other teams scores unknown.
Jenny Skytta waves after a big drive
A katandmick photo
While the Poquette family golfed Clara Pickett was sick with what is commonly known as "morning sickness" as she spends her time getting ready to have her third baby.
Clara Pickett eats for two as she takes a big bite of her favorite meal
Pickett, 35 announced this week that the couple will be expecting their third child March 17, 2014. The child of which the sex is not yet known will arrive on the birthday of Axis of Evil member Stephonia Prevost, should the due date prove be accurate. Prevost 40 delighted at the official news suspected something was up when Pickett did not show up for the usual string of summer events because of illness.

Lucie Pickett when asked what she thought of getting a sister or brother seemed confused by the news and thought she should start searching the house for the arrival of the new baby. Ashley 12, the oldest of the two daughters seemed ho hum about the news taking it in stride and acted as cool as she could about it, just as most "tweens" would.

That's all the news that is news, see ya.
After the golf was done a pizza party was held at the Sobieck home in Hobart where golfers consumed pizza cooked in ovens, grilles and pizza cookers. Others just consumed alcoholic beverages and talked smart.

Most of the party was lounging on the Sobieck's back deck near the swimming pool when the weather went bad and a rain storm came up from nowhere. As the rain started throngs of people got up and headed for the house like pigs running out of a straw stack. As they sought shelter the rain continued and lasted for as much as 15 minutes.
A katandmick photo
A katandmick photo