ue Wenzel, the seventh child and third daughter to be born to Earl and Mary Poquette had surgery this week to repair a worn out knee that has plagued the San Luis Nursing Home
worker for the last several years. Wenzel known as "Zeus" around the family walked out of the hospital under her own power January 22 and made the climb up the front stairs of her modest, near west side home. The home located in an older part of green bay has a shared driveway and is raised with a good part of the basement above ground. The design makes the home somewhat difficult for the physically challenged because there are always steps to climb.
Helping the shut in Wenzel is her son Whitey
Cornelius who attends to her every need. Cornelius cooks the meals and does the laundry while doing the usual parenting of his son Blake who stays with his father as he attends to his grandmother's needs. Cornelius is not afraid to tackle the endless needs of his mother, what ever it takes. Cornelius: "She's been so good to me over
the years I would do anything for her, but I must say I'm glad we are past the bed pan stage." While Zeus refuses the bed pan she states that sometimes she wishes it was there. Zeus: "When I get up to go to the bathroom at night it sometimes takes so (expletive) long to get there I wet myself
Whitey Cornelius
anyway." Cornelius also said that besides looking after his mother and son he also manages a pack of dogs and ferule cats that also live in the house taxing his resources to the limit. Cornelius is glad to see his half sister Kari or "Marge" as she is known to the family arrive home to help manage the animals.
Alex Pickett who has held several different jobs over the last couple of years has gotten a promotion at his newest endeavor.
Kari "Marge" Wenzel
Sue "Zeus" Wenzel winces in pain as she positions her self in her favorite chair
Pickett recently accepted a job offer at Imperial Fasteners on Green Bays west side as a salesman. While the job was not one he had done before he said that he was willing to learn and cited his strong skills with working with people as grounds for his predicted success. His past jobs all dealt with personal interaction with either co-workers or customers perfect skills needed to fulfill the
needs required in sales.
His new job is still sales but with a bigger territory and more chances for sales. It is not known if he was given a bigger customer base of existing accounts to go with the territory.
Wenzel who is grateful to the family for looking after her tells a somewhat different story of her own courage in making a comeback from the surgery. Although the doctor says she will be off of work for 3 months she remains confident that she will return to work sooner than expected. The progress already made by her is extraordinary states her physical therapist and she could very well exceed the normal schedule of minimum recovery times. Wenzel is expected to be driving in a couple of weeks and plans to make an appearance at at least one upcoming "Fat Club" meeting soon.
Alex Pickett
Just one week to the day with Brand new Michelin tires, Jean drives her Grand Prix into ditch approximately 2 miles north of Greenleaf on her way to work Saturday 1/25. Jean claimed an (expletive) semi driver passed her and caused a white out. She also commented that she panicked, locking up the brakes and lost complete control. Brother Dick Poquette quickly was dispatched with a tow truck and the vehicle was back at her modest Greenleaf home by mid-morning. Thankfully, Jean was uninjured and did go into work as promised.