The News for Sunday July 20, 2014
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A katandmick Photo
Joanne Poquette stands in the foreground of her home happy that her loan went through
drive past the modest Sobieck home at 735 Florist Drive in Hobart revealed a stunning sight Friday morning as a U-haul truck sat in the yard facing toward the driveway entrance and hitched to the back of the truck was Joanne Poquette's lime green Saturn. Indeed as this writer was driving by Poquette was preparing her nourishment for her long and tenuous journey to Casket City, Indiana. As mentioned in last week's Newsletter, Poquette was to leave the previous Thursday but a snafu in 
the approval process of her loan delayed the departure for a little bit more than a week. Poquette brought just the bare essentials in the truck and any necessities needed to do her job from her new home in Batesville, here on to be known as "Casket City" due to The Batesville Casket Company located in the town. Except for Joanie, Aimee, and Chris the entire rest of the town works at the casket factory. Poquette blamed the untimely loan approval on government workers citing the stalled paperwork in the FHA. A government run clearing house for home loans subsidized by the government.

According to Eileen "Trixie" Sobieck, Poquette was glad to be out of the Sobieck hotel and moving into a place of her own. Trixie went on to say the the number of vehicles has increased dramatically in the past few weeks with their two boys moving in and the Prevost Family renting hotel rooms from them, and she is afraid that the Village of Hobart may want to rezone them and have them improve their parking lot. Sobieck says though that she will not concede to any such demands unless the Village agrees to lower the speed limit back down to 25 miles per hour again on Florist Drive.

Luck was not with the Wisconsin Timber Rattlers as the Dayton Dragons dominated the entire game last night at Neuroscience Group Field. The bad luck began right in the first inning as the Dragons jumped ahead of the Timber Rattlers by one run and gained as many as 5 runs at a time in subsequent innings. The score by the finalize of the game was Dragons 9 Rattlers 2. By that time everyone just wanted it to be over and for them to get on with the fireworks. Tailgating went well and everyone had a good time in spite of the huge loss.

Voting has ceased and 100 percent of the votes cast for the Golf outing this year were for August 16 and so it will be that the event will be held again at Mid Valee Golf Course on that day. This year event organizers Alex Pickett and Brittany Rezek will look into whether individuals can rent golf carts to just ride along with golfers, or if they have to pay for a game of golf as in the past. We will let you know in advance as to the answer. The rules are the same this year with everyone playing best ball and to the best of our information there is no prize for best score.

The after party will be held again at the Sobieck home in the Village of Hobart although it is not known if the new parking lot will be done yet. Trixie says that everyone should bring their swimming suits again although details on food are not worked out as of yet. A future Newsletter will contain the details needed for those wishing to bring a dish to pass. A link to the sign up page appears below, prices are not yet known but will be posted as soon as that information becomes available.