The News for Sunday July 27, 2014
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A katandmick Photo
Just as these unknown boaters passing by the dock are startled by the sea monster, Nessie pops up in the background
he early afternoon party planned by Alissa Vanlanen, and her daughter Meghan Young proved to be a success in spite of a disastrous visit from not just one but two famous sea creatures. Dean Fischer owner of the residence at N1104 County Road E, Waupaca where the incident happened seemed oblivious to the incident and said her never saw the creatures in question. As a matter of fact most of the guests didn't see the ruckus caused by the reptilian creatures.
None of the guests was actually down by the dock when the incident mentioned above actually occurred but I was there and luckily was able to snap a photo. Not wanting to cause a stampede that might have resulted in injury or death to one of the guests I did not mention what I saw but asked quietly later if anyone had ever seen monstrous sea creatures living in the lake before. Dean Fischer said there had not been any to his knowledge. But it is this writers contention that these creatures had been sighted before, Fischer stated that Devon Young who also lives at the residence had only been in the water at the lake one other time in spite of the great amount of time he lived at the home. Perhaps Young knew or heard of the creatures and refrained from going in the water knowing he could not be saved if attacked.

The sea monster that attacked the boat bore a resemblance to the creature from the black lagoon while in the background a prehistoric creature popped up out of the water resembling the Lochness Monster. Both were only out of the water for seconds and then disappeared again hardly being seen by anyone.

The party went on without a hitch and most had a good time with lawn games being played by the children and occasionally a group would head down to the docks and take a ride on the paddle boat or take a swim. The food was delicious and there was plenty of it along with any type of drink you may need. Parking was not a problem even with the small narrow driveway as the neighbors suggested they use their driveway while they were away. The hill going down to the water proved to be a major obstacle for Alissa to get back up, so she employed their dog to pull her up with his leash and collar.

Registration for the Poquette Family Golf Outing continues however only three have signed up for the upcoming event. I received a call from Joanne Poquette stating she would participate and the Sobieck's expressed a desire to golf in the classic held at Mid Vallee Golf Course on Mid Vallee road near County U and US 41. If you are interested then you should really sign up this week for the gala event to be held August 16 th.