Would you like to submit it for next years calendar? Send your photo to Tim Lade for consideration in next years fund raising calendar. The photo can be either a print or in digital form. To submit your photo either e-mail a copy to Tim via TimLade@who.net or send the print to Tim in the US Mail at 3036 Ravine Way, Green Bay 54301. Photos can also be dropped off or emailed to KAMR offices.
Saturday October 28, 2006
War of the Workds at 7 PM
Party starts at 8 PM
Prizes for best costume
Music - Food
747 Florist Dr. Hobart
October 22, 2006
or the second time in as many months the Kat's frog has disappeared from it's regal perch in front of the home at N 6421 County E. Thievery has once again reared it's ugly head in the Oneida area with the repeated disappearance of the resident amphibian. The Kat is steaming mad and blames her sibling Joanne Lade for the disappearance. Under heavy questioning and pressure from the Kat Lade had admitted taking the ceramic frog the first time it disappeared, now the Kat says she has gone too far. The Kat: "This just isn't funny any more."
Though the Kat originally suspected Jean Poquette Hansen and Trixie Sobieck of the original disappearance such accusations were not made in this case. However no
apologies or regrets from the Kat were noted by the two members of the Axis of Evil after the truth had come to light regarding the disappearance and recovery the first time her green resident had been stolen. As a matter of fact Sobieck and Poquette-Hansen had not even learned who was behind the first plot until recently. Upset by these circumstances a mad Trixie Sobieck said: "What the hell's wrong with that crazy bitch."
The Kat who is beyond reason at this point vows revenge for Lade who has not admitted or denied the crime as of yet.
Jean Poquette Hansen who loves to be surrounded by children held a pumpkin carving party Saturday October 21 st. at her Crippen St. home in Greenleaf for family and friends. The smooth and perfect garage floor with it's newly poured concrete, installed by Kevin Sobieck Construction, is now stained orange from the dozens of pumpkins and pumpkin guts allowed to populate the once broken and uneven surface. Hansen who reveled in the excitement dished out complimentary servings of her famous sloppy joe's and bowl's of chili brought by the Kat. Cupcakes brought by Trixie Sobieck, and a cheese and sausage tray brought by Stephanie Prevost, the third member of the Axis of Evil, rounded out the menu for the event.
Carvers worked feverishly at their stations after Trixie Sobieck transposed the template of their choice on to the yet uncarved pumpkin. Jean Poquette Hansen found that the best use of her time could be spent taunting the children with ghoulish Halloween tricks and fake body parts which yielded only a modest reaction from the youngest of participants.
Next week Saturday October 28th will be the Dick and Cleen annual Halloween party at 747 Florist Drive. As usual there will be music, games, and prizes for best costume. There will be some food, and a bar, but it is BYOB (bring your own bottle). All are invited so tell your friends. The party is kicked off with the annual playing of the H G Well's classic "War of the Worlds" performed by the Mercury Radio Theater of the Air starring Orson Wells just as it was broadcast some 50 years ago. The broadcast which caused panic and death by suicide to some is scheduled to run from 7 to 8 PM with the party starting in earnest at 8 PM.
That's all the news that is news, see ya.
Kat's stolen frog
Jean Poquette Hansen poses with the children to show the results of the days work
Kids "gut" the pumpkins before the carving begins at Jean Poquette Hansen's Pumpkin Carving Party
Dick and Cleen singing "Monster Mash" in a Halloween photo
A crib to give away will go to the first person who requests it. This sturdy crib is made of wood and steel and includes a mattress. It's brown in color and will accommodate children from infant to two years old. Those interested should e-mail katandmick@aol.com or call at 869-2368. A photo of the crib taken apart appears to the right of this text.
Rick Poquette son of Richard and Cleen Poquette is proud to announce that he has secured a new job at a plant that makes ice cream cones. Poquette who has been working at VanVreede's TV and Appliance since graduating from high school will be starting Monday at the new job. Wages will increase over a dollar an hour on his starting salary from what he what he was making at Van Vreede's. After his probation period has ended he will be eligible for more raises. Poquette who declined to
be interviewed by the KAMR spoke through his father Richard Poquette as he said that he is looking forward to starting at his new job as he was becoming tired of working at VanVreede's. Poquette went on to say that he was glad to get hired at the factory even though he has no experience making
the sugar cones. He thinks that he was chosen over other candidates because of his vast experience eating ice cream cones.
October 29, 2006
Rick Poquette
Auto repair specialist Sam Poquette has entered a new phase in his life with the birth of his granddaughter Adriana Marie, Friday October 20th. The healthy 8 lb. 5 oz. baby was born at 11:53 PM after many long hours of labor for Jaclyn. The doctor who in the end performed a C-section induced labor a day ahead of the actual birth.
Adriana Marie
ith the theme of Gilligan's Island playing in the back ground the cast of Gilligan's Island made their entrance to Dick Poquette's garage where the 2006 Halloween Party was held. With the skipper played by Jean Poquette Hansen leading the group like a pied piper leads the vermin out of town they filed through one by one, Trixie Sobieck as Thirsten Howell the third, Kevin Sobieck as the lovely Mrs. Howell, James Seildel as Ginger, Logan Sobieck as Mary Anne, Judy Treml as Gilligan and completing attendance by the axis of evil, Stephania Prevost as the professor. As a group effort they won the costume contest and posed for photos afterward. Trixie did her homework and spent the whole week before the party researching facts and photos on the castaways and even printed out sheets on them that we used for a Gilligan's Island trivia contest.
Along with the trivia contest there was a costume contest, we also played the Newly Wed Game won by Rick and Bobbie Poquette, and gave out numerous prizes for all the games and contests. Dick and Cleen once again did a fabulous job preparing for the event, with the garage cleaned up and decorated and ready on time. The party lasted until about midnight, and violence was down this year with few people being arrested or ejected from the event.
Adriana's father Jesus who was on hand when the baby was unfolded shortly after birth proudly reports a total grand length of 20 inches, an excellent long length for a newborn. Jesus, from Puerto Rico is also called Peety by friends and family although no one knows why that is.
Rae Poquette step grandma of Adriana says the girl seems to love her the best as told by the gurgling sounds and the head bobbing. Rae Poquette: "I love her any way even if she looks like a baby gorilla with those long fingers and dark hair."
With the Turkey Bowl now less then a month away preparations are under way for a bigger then ever event. Materials have been attained and a press box will be constructed for the event on the opposite side of the field as the spectators. Plans are also underway to attain seating for spectators although that deal has not yet been worked out. Mark your calendars for the event November 23rd!
There's a new opinion article on the Opinion Page and a new listing to give away below. That's all the news that is news, see ya.
In a related story long time part time employee of Richard Poquette has attained work with a local sign company. Gary Meeusen (Happy) has accepted a position with Jones Sign to erect signs in the Green Bay area. As you know just as his new employer did, Gary made signs before he could talk.