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October 14, 2007
Saturday October 27, 2007
At Dick and Cleen's posh mid town Hobart residence at 747 Florist Drive
Costume contest - Prizes - Games
Dirty Dancing Contest - Food - Music
Absouloutly no loaded weapons will be allowed!
Saturday October 27, 2007
Saturday October 27, 2007
Saturday October 20, 2007 at her Crippen St. residence in the inner city of Greenleaf
Jean Poquette Hansen's
Pumpkin Carving Party
Time: To be announced
(due to a previous dispute over pumpkin posecession it is not yet clear who keeps the completed pumpkins)
               his years Halloween gala will again be hosted by Dick and Cleen in their spacious heated shop area. On Saturday October 27 the garage will again be spooked by numerous ghosts and goblins and perhaps some famous movie or television stars. 
Halloween 2005
This is of course as usual a bring your own bottle party but some food items are usually lined up along the far wall for everyone to sample.

This years party will have a new feature with a Dirty Dancing Contest planned sometime during the evening. At press time it is yet unclear if The Newly Wed Game will be put on or not.

Kat is organizing the prizes and of course I will again be providing the music.

The Party begins in earnest at 8:PM but the tradition continues with the playing of the famous Halloween special feature "The War of the Worlds" which will again be presented at 7:PM. The original version of the HG Wells classic is presented by the Mercury Radio Theater Of The Air hosted by Orson Wells just as it was almost 70 years ago in 1938!

Stephonia Prevost co-owner of the Prevost Mansion in rural New Franken will be unemployed soon as her seasonal job at Wisconsin Public Service comes to an end for another year. Prevost a one year veteran of the company hassles debtors to the utility on a daily basis trying to get them to catch up on their overdue electricity or gas bills.

Prevost often boasts she has the power to cut off the poor customers who come up with every type of excuse to delay another payment to the company. She loves to play the mind games with the people and make them agree to all kinds of conditions that don't even apply to the company. In many cases she has the debtors cleaning her house or washing her car to get out of another payment. Some have noticed that one debtor is even providing child care for her while she is at work!
Columnest S. Lyle Oconnor with Brandon Pickett at the quarter horse races
Val Snell taps an unknown on the shoulder seated next to the Dhue man
S Lyle Oconnor takes a break from signing autographs and visits with the Kat
Prevost is currently looking for other employment but is having a difficult time finding an employer where the customers can provide the same domestic services she is now receiving at Public Service. That's all the News the is News, see ya.
Stephonia Prevost
A Katandmick Photo
A Katandmick Photo
A Katandmick Photo
A Katandmick Photo