At Dick and Cleen's posh mid town Hobart residence at 747 Florist Drive
Costume contest - Prizes - Games
Dirty Dancing Contest - Food - Music
Absouloutly no loaded weapons will be allowed!
Saturday October 27, 2007
Saturday October 27, 2007
October 21, 2007
riday October 19 the Pickett Family announced they would be having a new arrival in their family in March. That's right Peggy Pickett has been impregnated and is due in the third month of 2008.
The Pickett's who have two children now are excited about the new arrival and donned T-shirts on Friday explaining the announcement in sort of a round about fashion. Bunky's shirt had "Producer" in large letters across the back while Peggy's had "Director" on her
back, in the front a large arrow pointed to the belly area with a question mark over the actual belly.
Lance the eldest of the Pickett children did not share the same enthusiasm for the news as the parents, citing the constant reminders from his parents "how he is the older one, and how the baby doesn't understand."
Cole the baby of the family now, was unable to grasp the concept of a new sibling and could only speak of Zoo Boo and the animals in between asking for comments on his pirate costume and muttering "arrrr".
Jean Poquette Hansen was elated on Saturday when numerous children visited her mid town Greenleaf home to partake in the pumpkin carving party. Poquette - Hansen a 50 year old medical records worker has held the annual party for three years and finds great joy in delighting children with the carving experience. The only thing Poquette-Hansen found disheartening the whole day is when her sister "The Kat" asked when she was going to serve the adult beverages, to which Poquette-Hansen retorted quickly "This is for the children and there will be none of that!"
Hansen's roommate James Seidel who was not working this weekend but did not remain at the scene of the carving and instead went for an extended walk with the family dog. Before he embarked on his journey he explained in painful detail in his usual monotone voice how he could not bear to watch the destruction of the perfect pumpkins.
Peggy Pickett
Peggy and Bunky Pickett on their wedding day
He also resents the children being allowed to keep all the carved pumpkins for themselves and was afraid of how he would react to the sight of the children leaving with all those once perfect pumpkins. Another reason for not hanging around Seidel noted was he was unable to
decide on a design for his own carving so he thought it best not to participate at all.
James Seidel
The Carving Kids, 2007
Many have tried recently to engage in casual conversation with Trixie Sobieck only to find the conversation hijacked usually with the word "Snow" or "Mart" at the end of the sentence.
Just a mention of something that triggers a discount store memory will unleash a torrent of Wal-Mart stories along with biographies of almost any employee you can describe in minor physical detail.
Sobieck's favorite employee and new friend is Snow Danforth, a regular employee to the discount chain and somewhat of a hero to Sobieck. When Danforth and Sobieck are together you might as well take a number and have a seat while the two go through their laundry list on how to improve the west side ghetto Wal-Mart they are employed at. If you sat through that agenda and were lucky enough to have been granted an audience with the two at "Sidekicks" (a local De Pere bar for old people) you might be allowed to bring up a new subject, however be prepared if another employee wearing the signature tan and navy attire walks in, your conversation is off the table and it's time for a Wal-Mart cheer.
Family and friends are becoming frustrated with the ad matching queen as she systematically abandons them in favor of keeping company with Snow. Kevin has been pressed into service as well after being asked to help out at the Danforth residence trimming the yard and making alterations to the home.
Many speculate the two are now inseparable and if one leaves the Mart the other must follow to the same employer, if not they will not leave.