Would you like to submit it for next years calendar? Send your photo to Tim Lade for consideration in next years fund raising calendar. The photo can be either a print or in digital form. To submit your photo either e-mail a copy to Tim via TimLade@who.net or send the print to Tim in the US Mail at 3036 Ravine Way, Green Bay 54301. Photos can also be dropped off or emailed to KAMR offices.
Dear Kat; I have this sister, let's say her name is Pat, every time something is missing from her home she blames it on me and her other sister Queen. Well, I for one am getting sick and tired of these accusations and I know Queen is too!! Could you please help me convince her to stop these ridiculous accusations and put her mind at ease that we are not out to get her and her belongings??? Or, is the bag just out of her mind?
Sincerely, Pixie
Dear Pixie,Your sister Pat must have had some bad experiences in her life making her unable to trust her own immediate family. My suggestion is for you and your sister "Queen" to make a show of good faith to Pat, visit her home while she is gone and tidy up a bit, do her dishes, fold the laundry, clean the bathroom, vacuum the rugs, clean out the refrigerator, organize her cupboards so that she can see you are not interested in the theft of her personal belongings but only making her life more simple. If that doesn't work then I guess your right, the woman is batty.
Dear Kat; My sister has a boyfriend, lets say his name is Barry Mannilow, he keeps telling her their in love and that he wants to marry her.He even haspicked out the fricken ring! She can't decide if she wants to married just yet, he is quite strange but I know he loves her and they have been dating for 7 years. Should she marry him? Oh, by the way the ring he picked out is $8000.00 dollars and he told her "she is worth it and she'll have it for the rest of her life." Her reply; "I'm a 44 year old woman with diabetes, high blood pressure, and bad eyes, I could put that money to better use building an upstairs laundry room and a handicap accessible bathroom." What do you think they should do?
Sincerely, Sick and tired of this retarded relationship
Dear Sick, Tired, and Retarded, I recall in a similar question I responded to on the March 5th Newsletter,I gave advice to a middle aged woman who had been dating a man for 6 years and was hesitant about taking the "plunge." On that occasion I warned her that having children could only result in mongoloids because of her age. This of course is a concern for your sister as well, bearing children could only result in children who will attend Sibble Hopp School, as put by my own sister in law Jean Poquette Hansen after a similar question was asked of her. That said, my advice is for her to take the ring and go through with the marriage plans, and think of it as an investment. If she has been with Barry for seven years and she still is letting him hang around then what's the problem? You say he is strange, but Barry may be wonderful in other ways, he may be good at fixing up a home, a good tree trimmer, or a good conversationalist, all wonderful traits and worthy in a spouse. After all if it doesn't work out she can still boot him out, get a divorce, and sell the ring, then she can build her handicapped dream bathroom.
September 10, 2006
ecent improvements to the home at 347 Janz Lane Lane have not gone unnoticed in the neighborhood as the summer long project nears completion. New aluminum soffets to replace tired old wooden ones have gone up along with new windows and some improvements to the deck and wiring. Rounding out the project is the installation of pink Styrofoam and siding which will be completed today to the structure readying it for winter.
Although the project has went well for the most part it has not gone without it's minor mishaps. Saturday Bunky was injured while on the roof with the air stapler. While climbing around the soffet area he accidentally tripped the safety on the stapler and somehow pulled
the trigger. Immediately a staple was pushed pneumatically into his posterior causing great anguish and embarrassment as he howled about his rear end. Volunteers who were helping on the structure found it amusing and made him the "butt" of their jocularity.
Tim Lade who has accepted a driver position at Lamers Bus Lines will take his road test on Wednesday of this week and says he is confident he will pass without too much trouble. Lade who found the hours and seasonal schedule to his liking should start immediately after the test with his own route out of the East De Pere garage.
Bunk staples own ass
Lade who is known to be loved by all children says he can't wait to start and has wanted a job for some time where he could spend more time doing what he loves most, working with children. It seems like the perfect match and it is thought Lade cannot fail.
Lade is planning to make a small gravel driveway next his house to park the bus.
"Instantly relieved" is how she put it after the anesthetic wore off for Joanne Lade this week after having her knee scoped. Lade, with an athletic physique suffered with the knee after a scooter crash forced her into the ditch to avoid hitting her aging husband who had wandered out in front of her while she was trying to negotiate a tricky curve. Lade who had come through the surgery unscathed had only a couple small stitches to show for her trouble. Catch a couple new letters to "Ask the Kat" That's all the news that is news, see ya.
Tim Lade, he loves children
Dear Kat, Recently I met a man on the Internet. He is the sweetest thing. He laughs "lots" and has a sparkly smile all of the time which is quite contagious. He comes from a large family in Wisconsin and drives all over the country. He's strange though, every time he comes to my house he sneaks into the bathroom and polishes the chrome faucets on the sink and bathtub. Do you think this indicates he is a serial killer who stalks women on the Internet? Direction in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Sincerely, Smiling in Tennessee
Dear Smiley, I too also think this is a bit out of the ordinary for a man to be so obsessed with domestic chores, God knows how I love detail cleaning and order but it's usually not a priority for a man. That said, let me assure you that this is not considered a red flag for serial killers. I consulted my husband for his opinion on this matter giving the same scenario, met on the Internet, travels a lot, and visiting my home. His reply "if a woman came to my house and wanted to polish my knobs......why would I argue?" There you have it, there is one thing I would be careful with though. Because he is from a large family any contact with them, even casual contact through the Internet, could lead to one or several of them giving you advice. This is to be avoided, further more should this occur, ignore anything they write or tell you.
September 17, 2006
ho ever is responsible for stealing the frog from the collection of lawn and garden ornaments from Kat's collection in the front of the house has returned the amphibious dweller to it's same location unharmed. Two weeks ago in the September 3rd NEWSLETTER we reported the theft of the piece and the Kat had be searching feverishly for it since. While the frog was gone the Kat stayed close to the phone waiting for word on her web footed friend, perhaps there would be a ransom demand, or maybe it had been discarded by the perpetrator and would be found by someone who wanted to get it back to it's rightful owner. No word came, no contact from anyone, then Friday evening it appeared when we returned home from a fish fry, it was back in it's original spot under the birdhouse tower.
This is all very curious and there are still many unanswered questions about the disappearance of green hopping inhabitant. Two sisters that are prominent members of the axis of evil who were considered prime suspects still remain so. Although the two vehemently deny any involvement in the kidnapping the Kat think's otherwise, Kat; "this is just the kind of thing those two would do and think it's funny."
After 5 months Brittany Sobieck is still with her present boy friend Will. Sobieck who has been known to have boy friends for just days and then cast them aside still clings to Will and according to her brother Justin "She really likes him a lot." Will also attends school in Milwaukee but his real home is near the Suamico area and he is a computer geek. Trixie Sobieck, Brittany's mother says "she is nearing a record for this one if he hangs on much longer."
On a sad note Brittany's cat Sonny passed away the week before on September 7th. Sonny was 18 years old and was was with Brittany since it's days when it was a kitten and Brittany was just a small child. The two had been friends for life, now there is just Brittany. Sonny was buried in the back yard of the Sobieck home in Hobart, with a small marker where Brittany can look from her bedroom window and see her loyal pets eternal resting place.
Tim Lade is to start his regular route on Thursday of this week after registration of his license is complete. Lade who has been working towards this outcome for the last two weeks is ready to go. "Just get me the hell away from the office and all the BS and give me the keys" Lade said Friday. He is looking forward to the new venture.
Logan "Cougar" Sobieck is in the process of getting
temps so he can start "behind the wheel" training to attain a Wisconsin drivers license. Sobieck is attending Bay City Driving School and is expected to fund his own training fees with money earned from his job at Dairy Queen. There's a new "Ask the Kat", That's all the news that is news, see ya.
Kidnapped frog home safe while perpetrators remain at large.