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Over the last couple of weeks there has been discussion about two cheerleaders and their continuing weight loss affecting their qualifications as XPFL cheerleaders. Doubts have been cast by other sturdy cheerleaders as to whether the two should be allowed to continue to cheer since they have become flimsy. This week one of the two (the most vocal) have retorted with her own comments. Here is her rebuttal.

Dearest Kat;

I have a problem with the qualification requirements for being a cheerleader. There is no book written on the weight requirements for a cheerleader, therefore I do believe I have a right to stay as head cheerleader for the Red Jell-O's team. Further more if there is a such book I do believe I am grandfathered in because I have been the Red Jell-O cheerleader from the start so SUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!

Sincerely, Trixie Sobieck  # 1 cheerleader for the Red Jell-O's for life. Sucks to be you guys!!

Dear Trixie;

As Head Cheerleader for the XPFL I would be willing to cut you some slack with you being my sister and all however, it's just not that easy. I have to consider the the other cheerleaders who take great pride in their efforts to prevent themselves from becoming what you have..........FLIMSY.

There are also the fans to consider, how can we ask fans to support their favorite team with a cheer when they can barely see you on the field. Fans react a lot better to non-flimsy cheerleaders like Jean Poquette Hansen who can incite the crowd with a cheer because they can't see around her and have to look at the cheer rather than the game.

From the beginning of the Turkey Bowl the rules were clear, No Flimsy Cheerleaders! I will rule on this matter as we get closer to the Turkey Bowl, until then......Eat.

That's all the news that is news, see ya.

                    rs. Chris Richey has had confirmation from her own personal team of physicians that she indeed is carrying a child in her womb. She has suspected as much for the last couple of weeks but needed a professional opinion before releasing the news to the media.

September 30, 2007
Richey a 32 year old insurance company executive has no other children and in fact has only been married one time. The sex of the child is not known at this early stage but as things progress Richey says she will keep us informed as developments occur.

Chris Richey the father of
the child couldn't be happier and is hoping for a boy.
Richey an Indiana State Trooper has already begun shopping on the Internet and gotten the child a miniature night stick and taser set.  Chris Richey: "The guys at the station are all hoping it's a boy but
Aimee Richey
even if it's not there's girl cops these days too."  Richey, 35 also has no other children except for his dog and fellow officer Heiko who refused commenting on the issue. The Richeys live in a modest home in Kentucky, there are no residency requirements for the Indiana State Police.
Chris Richey
The annual pumpkin carving day at Jean Poquette Hansen's modest home in Greenleaf has been set. Saturday October 20 is the day that has been selected for the event and Hansen says all are welcome.
Since it's inception two years ago Hansen has provided a place for children to come and carve a pumpkin and decorate it for Halloween. Along with the fun for the children adults are
Jean Poquette Hansen
treated to various lunch items and adult beverages.

James Seidel, Hansen's significant other has objected to the children being allowed to keep all the pumpkins after the carving has ending citing the fact that they were all carved at their home and should remain on the property. It is not known if Seidel will be home at the time of the gathering or if he will try to keep children from leaving with their art works. Seidel a long time friend of Hansen has no carving skill or abilities of his own and rely's on children to make pumpkin creations for him.

Time for the event has not yet been set but will be published at a later date.