il Rosenburg, the latest in the long line of male acquaintances dotting the landscape of Brittany Sobieck's real estate has met rejection for the second and final time according to the Oneida Harlot. Rosenburg as you recall was cut loose before Thanksgiving only to recant and get a second chance with Sobieck after a meeting for some computer repair work scheduled earlier in the relationship. The latest rejection and trip to the pile came after Sobieck spent the night boning up for a test, with barely enough time to get a couple hours sleep and head in for the test Rosenburg came to the door demanding to see Sobieck, not wanting to deal with the situation and needing sleep also Sobieck's roommate let the intoxicated Rosenburg into the apartment to see Sobieck. Sobieck being awaken from a sound sleep blew up at Rosenburg and dispatched him on the spot, it took some time however for Rosenburg to leave thus burning any part of the bridge that was left from the last flare up.
Once again Sobieck vows she is done with male companionship. Haven't we heard this before? We'll keep you posted on any new friends.
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Oneida Harlot Brittany Sobieck
2006 again, that's all the news that is news, see ya.