his past week many took vacations, so it was no surprise that our own Queen of Chicken Night Jean Poquette-Hansen went on holiday as well. The Queen along with her main man James Seidl took a trip up to a campground near Stephenson Michigan where they spent the week camping, swimming, hiking and white water rafting. Hansen admits in the end she had a good time but reveals that the start of the vacation began with a depressing rejection by a total stranger.
Jean and James were already set up at the camp grounds when Jean decided to go to town to pick up a few thing they had forgotten. Upon returning she saw a man by the side of the road that appeared to be having some type of difficulty, she passed him
Jean Poquette-Hansen imagines this is how it would have gone if she had not been rejected by the supposed serial killer.
by then thought I sure wouldn't like it if someone passed me by if I needed help, so she turned around and went back to help. When she pulled up she could see the man was obviously setting a trap for some unsuspecting girl with
his frivolous excuses for stopping by the side of the road. Hansen got out of her car and immediately saw the the serial killer sizing her up. Hansen saw a displeased look on his face and thought she heard him say in a murmuring voice "what the hell would I do with that body?" The serial killer rejected her help and sent her on her way while he waited for another. Hansen surmised that with the approaching hunting season and the size of her body she would have not sufficiently decomposed and would have been found by hunters thus making her a poor choice for any serial killer planning to hide his fresh kill in the woods.
Poquette-Hansen returned to her vacation spot disheartened by rejection but was eagerly welcomed by her fiance James who was able to speak a few more words then his usual quite nature allows to cheer her up.
Seidl was displeased with the bathroom facilities and relayed horror stories of unclean toilets and soiled restrooms while Poquette-Hansen was displeased with the public shower saying she had not showered or exposed herself to others since high school. Seidl explained that she could have undressed in the shower behind the curtain instead of the public area before the shower stall and preserved her privacy.
Jean Poquette Hansen
In the February 25, 2007 edition of THE NEWSLETTER
(click here to read it)a story was run about a suspicious pair of slippers found in Joe Sobieck's closet.
At the time of the find Lola Sobieck was furious at Joe and accused him of having relations with the 75 year old woman living next door to which Joe had no answer other than "women over 40 have no sex drive."
This past week new evidence has emerged as to who the real owner of the slippers are. With all the hub bub no one wanted to come forward and
admit that the slippers were their's fearing the wrath of Lola. This week someone has come forward and admitted that the slippers were their own and they were simply hiding them there so they wouldn't get dirty or taken by someone else.
Lola Sobieck furious over finding slippers
Brenda Jusufi had figured that all the madness has died down about the slippers and now admits that she is the one that left the trouble making slippers in her dad's closet. Jusufi had originally intended never to come forward with the news of the true identity of the owner of the slippers, but after reading about it in the KAMR
she realized she had to clear the name of her father Joe Sobieck who had done nothing to deserve this ridicule and mistreatment at the hand of his wife and her mother Lola.
That's all the news that is news, see ya.
Brenda Jusufi
September 10th is the date selected by Ashley Hansen and Michael VandenHuval for their wedding. The 2010 date is just a month before the wedding of Brittany Sobieck and Jeremy Rezik. Hansen and VandenHuval are planning to have 5 other couples to help tie the knot but have not yet completed their selections.
Ashley Hansen
Wedding planning for the couple has been taken over by the brides sister Jessica Poquette although no definite arrangements have not yet been announced Poquette has promised fantastic results with a low budget. The brides mother and Queen of Chicken Night Jean Poquette-Hansen had no further details when asked about the wedding. Poquette-Hansen is also standing up for Brittany Sobieck's wedding in October of the same year.