Dan Vanlanen to start Benjamin Button transformation and begin to look younger
Ben Hansen will drive incident free for 2 months. Wisconsin DOT will be so impressed Ben is offered a pay position as a spokesperson for texting while driving. Submitted by Jean Poquette Hansen
Dick Poquette to begin new policy of making a profit on auto repairs made in his shop.
Richey Family of Indiana to begin goat farming operation.
Green Bay Packers to become almost as popular as Oneida Red Gobblers.
Jean Poquette Seidl will take swimming lessons at the local YMCA and achieve flying fish award. Submitted by Jean Poquette Hansen
Dave Poquette contemplates a 5th marriage.
John Poquette struck by squad car in pursuit and walks away from accident, car totaled and Poquette to receive 6 figure settlement from Sheriff's Dept. for almost getting hurt.
Eileen Sobieck to invent new chocolate flavored diet drink and retire on profits.
Ben Hansen to be sole subject on special episode of "Cops" television show.